Tuesday 1 May 2012

Easy to take photos like a pro


Easy to take photos like a pro

Remember the old days, when developing a roll of film would set you back $30? And then you'd discover you'd forgotten to take the lens cover off?

These days with cameras built into everybody's phone, there are photo printers that cost as little as $40, or you can order the photographs online for about 10or that can record in both "interlace and progressive cinematic mode", which essentially means it produces a video image so high-fidelity and so smooth that it's like watching a Hollywood action movie on Blu-ray.

And latest entry-level Nikon DLSR - the D3200 - is genuinely idiot proof, actually explaining all the features and what you're doing while you're doing it - thank you Tokyo! Plus it can automatically share your photos with your compatible Android device over wi-fi.

That's the number of sales, mind you, not the value, which actually decreased 15 per cent on 2010.

As well as hooking you up with the easiest user interfaces the industry has yet produced, awesome high-fidelity specs and - more and more commonly - high-definition video capacity, these days a layman can purchase the newest technologies and top-of-the-line features that used to be reserved for the pros.

But let's rewind for a second.

In our modern culture of over-sharing, with every man, woman and child camera-ed to the hilt, manufacturers are working overtime to keep us coming back to get more. Check out Canon's latest EOS for this nifty feature.

Despite 2011 marking another record year for photo-capable smartphones, the number of top-quality digital cameras was also on the rise.

The mirrorless system is (you guessed it) mirrorless and typically uses an electronic viewfinder and displays your intended image on a small computer screen.

As consumers we love new features, we love lower prices - keep trying to impress us, camera makers.

Easy to take photos like a pro

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 01/05/2012


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